Current projects for sale. Any project can be purchased and owned right now!
URL Shortener, Bio profiles and more..

Exilink is a enhanced URL shortener, Bio profile service and QR code generator. Software-a-a-Service (SaaS) platform with unique design and lots of features.

Past projects already sold. You can request a clone funtionality (custom design) of any of below projects.
eBooks Selling Marketplace

Your greatest opportunity to start a new online business by selling eBooks. Start a new business within a day with Librenda! Easy to promote - easy to maintain!
Ready-Made Photostock Marketplace

Unique design valuable ready-made photostock website / marketplace to start a photobank online business. Sell your photos, images and illustrations and make profit with ads and affiliates.
Share & send files online

BraveSend is a service which allows users to upload their big files and send them to other people email addresses or get a download link to share the files online with their colleagues, friends and family.
Disposable email service

KindaMail is "a kind of email" service which lets users to use an email inbox instantly just by visiting the website or use any kind of usernames just by remembering the domain name in order to receive emails.
Photostock Online Marketplace

Ready photostock marketplace website to start a photobank business. Sell your photos and make profit with ads and affiliates. Great opportunity to start a new online business.

Want a clone of any of our current projects? Just Contact us and we will deliver your new project shortly!